This is me, in love with the sound of a good keyboard.
I’ve worked with brands to create blog posts, infographics, interactive eBooks, newsletters, and more. Name a type of content and I’ve probably helped produce it! You can find some of my clips below, but if you’d like to see more content, just ask.
Astrophotography for beginners
Wildlife photography guide & tips
Beach photography guide and tips
A guide to landscape photography
5 ways staying up to date with Nacha’s Operating Rules benefits your organization (Ghostwritten)
Build a more inclusive credit system with Plaid Income (Ghostwritten)
Plaid’s 2022 Consumer Survey: The Fintech Effect (Ghostwritten)
3 ways lenders can navigate a changing economic landscape (Ghostwritten)
Customer service gets conversational (Interactive design)
Fill the self-service gap (Infographic)
In good company: Expand support beyond customer service (Interactive infographic)
Complete guide on AI chatbots (Ghostwritten)
Instacart case study (Ghostwritten)
The paradox of channel choice (Ghostwritten)
The psychology of ratings
The weight of emotional labor in the workplace
Would you like a boxed water with that? Retailers re-envision the customer experience